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Mark & Rene Perkins

About Us

Updated: 3/1/24

Mark Perkins is the President and CEO of Evanelia Tahiti.  He and his wife Rene’ are full-time missionaries on the island of Tahiti where they serve the Lord in pastor training, child evangelism and discipleship, Bible translation, and education in general. Mark draws on his experience as the pastor of Front Range Bible Church for 33 years, Leader or Co-Leader of 40 wilderness trips in the western USA, his work on the board of governors of Chafer Theological Seminary and Camp Arete.  He currently is also a Director at APXAIOC Institute of Biblical Archaeology and the Chairman of the Board, Colorado Biblical University. Mark is a two-time survivor of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.


Mark Perkins

Rene’ Perkins is Mark’s wife and mother of two, Turner, born in 1995, and Alex, born in 1998. She is a beloved servant of Christ who loves, encourages, teaches, cooks, drives, and organizes for Evanelia Tahiti. She has taught Bible to children for over 40 years and remains active in that role on Tahiti and Moorea, teaching English and Bible clubs and helping with Operation Christmas Child. Rene’ is also actively involved in women’s Bible studies as a part of our mission work.

Rene' Perkins
Our Purpose
Our Mission

To glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in all that we do, “Colossians 1:27–29, "27 to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 28 We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. 29 For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me."

Our mission is organized to assist the people of French Polynesia in the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through education. Every level and type of education may be in view, from the kitchen table or Sunday school class to the highest levels of university training. Through education we will be a vessel of God’s blessing for this tiny, geographically large nation.

Methods & Means
  • Small group Bible studies using doctrinally sound curricula (currently 3 locations).

  • Child evangelism in partnership with Operation Christmas Child (participation in the national launch event, support and participation in many events on 3 different islands, more possible).  This has given us a great many connections and given publicity to our ministry.

  • Bible conference events with American speakers (2 coming in 2024), Moses Onwubiko in April and Jim Myers in August.  More will be in the pipeline and related to the next point.

  • Bible college training modeled on what Jim Myers has accomplished in Ukraine (coming in 2024).

  • English/Bible clubs for 5-12 year old children.

  • Partnership with Tahitians for K-12 homeschool education, especially on remote islands.

  • Tahitian Bible re-translation project (due to restart soon after an 18 month hiatus).  Focus on the Gospel of John.​

Our Goals

Before the Lord takes us home, to leave an indigenous leadership for the future training of pastors and ministry leaders in French Polynesia, a leadership that is highly capable in the biblical languages, ancient history, biblical and systematic theology, and hermeneutics, all of which result in sound doctrine.



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